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July - Dec 2017
ADOPTED Payton Von Parnas is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Gladys von Glappe is a gorgeous 11-12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Merry Von Mejeriby is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rosie Von Risdal is an adorable 1-2 year old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Sandy von Salto is a gorgeous 4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lotti von Lottrup is a stunning 5 month old German Shepherd mix pup. |
ADOPTED Britta von Brink is a gorgeous 5 month old German Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Molly von Mosbach is a gorgeous 2-3 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Daisy von Dillenburg is a gorgeous 5-6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Will von Seyko is a sweet 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Reggie von Rejsby is an adorable 10 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Phillip von Phoniks is a wonderful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Marshall Von Marke is a stunning 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Waldo von Warnitz is the most incredibly sweet, 8-10 month old German Shepherd mix. Sweetie pie! |
ADOPTED Jameson von Jerxheim is a very handsome 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Tobias von Koblenz is a very handsone 5 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Konan Von Kohren is a gorgeous 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Riley von Rieseby is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd with maybe a touch of Malinois. NO CATS VIDEO |
ADOPTED Lady von Schmidt is a stunning 5 month old red and black German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Diana von Dickel is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Cashmere von Celle is a gorgeous 6 month old Husky. |
ADOPTED Asia von Ascha is a beautiful 7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nala von Naila is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Merel von Messe is a delightful 10 month old Shepherd mix. (female) |
ADOPTED Val Von Valloby is a stunning 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Henry Von Henriksdal is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. Lived with cats !!! |
ADOPTED Austin Von Axiom is a gorgeous 6-7 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Ellie Mae von Clampett is a gorgeous 4 year old German Shepherd/Aussie mix. |
ADOPTED Lana von Langet is a striking looking 10 month old Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Gigi von Gaston is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Carmen von Dorfen is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Faith von Esther is the cutest little 2-3 year old fluffy mix. |
ADOPTED Kayla von Katryde is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Miah von Milow is a gorgeous12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Scooby von Sim is an aadorable 3 month old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Mr. Green von Greven is a gorgeous 12-14 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Ozzy von Oxenholm is the sweetest 10-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Boyd von Bavaria is a very handsome 2-3 year old Shepherd/Husky mix. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Ollie von Olivya is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Alk von Alzey is a delightful 9-10 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Horace von Hof is a stunning 10-11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Arvin von Azberg is a very handsome 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zeek von Zastrov is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nico von Niche is a stunning 7-8 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Gunner von Guben is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd on the larger side. |
ADOPTED Hemi von Hausen is a stunning 14 month old Shepherd mix (male). |
ADOPTED Turbo von Tutzpatz is a beautiful 7-8 year old larger sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bruce von Bertkow is an adorable 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Shana von Skaaro is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lucy von Lich is an adorable smaller sized 1-2 year old fluffy mix of cuteness. |
ADOPTED Macy von Markdoef is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Lacy von Lahr is a beautiful 12 month old black and red German Shepherd on the smaller side. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Peach von Patch is a beautiful 2 year old black sable German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Kelsie von Kiefer is a very sweet, playful 2 year old Belgian Malinois/German Shepherd mix. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Mandy von Maibolle is a wonderful 6-7 year old Retriever/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Norah von Nohemi is the cutest 12 month old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Blair von Blass is a stunning 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED River Von Ritzel is a gorgeous 8-9 month old German Shepherd. (female) |
ADOPTED Goldie von Godelen is an adorable 12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hannes von Haast is an adorable 12 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Sonic von Solsbak is a stunning 10 month old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nero von Nees is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Loki von Loitz is a stunning 2 year old Husky. |
ADOPTED Pickles von Pikkelgrund is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Maggie von Mollin is a beautiful 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Clarrisa von Clea is a gorgeous 10 month old Shepherd mix. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Jaylinn von Jacey is a very sweet 2-3 year old Shepherd mix. NO CATS Sooo sweeeeeet! |
ADOPTED Otto von Ottweiler is a striking looking 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Casper Von Caron is a gorgeous 2 year old Geman Shepherd/Husky mix.. |
ADOPTED Krush von Kusel is a beautiful 8-9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Granger von Gransee is a stunning 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sargento von Salzkotten is a beautiful 6 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Winnie von Winola is a delightful 12 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Maxim von Marburg is the most stunning 18 month old larger sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Luna-Alice von Alzenau is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Polly von Polch is the sweetest 18 month old German Shepherd with a bit of Lab thrown in. |
ADOPTED Eva von Elyse is the cutest 10-11 month old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Roos von Rosig is a beautiful smaller sized 10-12 month old German Shepherd. (female) |
ADOPTED Fancy von Freital is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chrissy von Crivitz is a stunning 3-4 year old long haired white German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Neeka Von Neetzow is a 16 month old Nordic breed beauty. No small dogs or cats! |
ADOPTED Roger von Rehau is an adorable 4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Jasper von Kiel is a delightful 4.5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Charlie von Chres is a beautiful 8 month old Retriever mix. |
ADOPTED Arlo von Aalen is a beautiful 6 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Freckles von Forst is a striking looking 1-2 year old Heinz 57 hunk. |
ADOPTED Sergio von Sem is a stunning 4-5 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Suze von Suche is a delightful 6-7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Princess von Pegau is the cutest 1-2 year old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Laika von Lage is a gorgeous 20 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Juno von Juist is a beautiful, larger sized 7 year old German Shepherd. Lived with cats and kids! |
ADOPTED Ebony von Elvira is a stunning 10 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Sara von Susan is a wonderful 3-4 year old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Romy von Romrod is a gorgeous 10-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gina von Genf is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Levi von Leute is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sheldon Von Setzer is a stunning 6 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dinah von Dingen is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
OTR Felicity von Felsberg is a beautiful 6-7 year old German Shepherd with the most adorable face and ears! |
ADOPTED Lucky von Luyde is a delightful 2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Tessa von Themar is a gorgeous 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Roxy von Ruthen is a beautiful 2 year old smaller sized Shepherd mix with a bit of blue in her eye. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Kenzie von Kentzlin is a wonderful 7-8 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Bogey von Knochen is a striking looking 11-12 month old black sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cane von Calvorde is a very handsome 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dieter Von Diernas is a delightful 12 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Ranger von Arnold is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd/Lab mix. |
ADOPTED Tundra von Trude is a beautiful 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Alma von Misty is the cutest 10 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Misty von Mistorf is a sweet, loving and beautiful, medium sized 2 year old German Shepherd. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Ruth von Slonina is an adorable 12 month old Panda Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Annaka von Ansbach is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cheyenne von Cimbria is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Paris von Penzer is a goreous 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Olivia von Olling is a gorgeous 9-10 month old German Shepherd with maybe a touch of Husky. |
ADOPTED Dakota von Colb is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Vicky von Varburg is a delightful 11-12 month old Shepherd mix. Loves kids and adults, all dogs, even tested well with cats! Sweetie patootie tail wagger! VIDEO |
ADOPTED Lola von Lippstadt is a stunning 2-3 year old German Shephed. |
ADOPTED Theodore von Tiel is a gorgeous 7-8 month old Husky mixed with possibly Great Pyrenees or Bernese Mountain dog. (our best guess) |
ADOPTED Cheyo von Citadellet is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gustaf von Gusterath is a stunning, big boned 9-10 month old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Maximus von Marxzell is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Roy von Lollar is a stunning 4 year old Husky. NO BIRDS or CATS |
ADOPTED Rush von Russingen is the sweetest 12 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Zeppo von Passau is a beautiful 16 month old German shepherd. |
ADOPTED Max von Masthorn is a stunning 5-6 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Milo von Mistorf is a stunning 8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Noah von Norden is a very handsome 16 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Otto von Otterfing is a very handsome 2 year old German Shepherd. |
OTR General von Genannt is a stunning 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Casey von Colditz is a stunning 2 year old black and red German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Marty von Mareskov is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Sissi von Sisserode is an adorable 18 month old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Anaka von Ankum is a stunning 3 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cindy von Constance is a beautiful 5-6 year old red and black German Shepherd. NO CATS VIDEO |
ADOPTED Rock von Lobster is a beautiful 2-3 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. (female) |
ADOPTED Leia von Leidefelde is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Thornton von Thoreby is a wonderful and handsome 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lucas von Lunde is a gorgeous 2 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Guinness von Gusten is a very handsome 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ace von Arnis is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Tzar von Tann is a stunning 2-3 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Shayne von Syke is a striking looking 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Adonis von Adorf is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Alexis von Misty is a gorgeous 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Gio von Misty is a gorgeous 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Edwin von Misty is a gorgeous 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Lane von Misty is a gorgeous 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Parker von Misty is a gorgeous 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Bruno Von Brovst is a delightful 4-5 month old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Skye von Codova is a delightful 12-13 week old German Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Molly von Moybol is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Shasta von Salzen is a beautiful 8-9 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Willow von Mulffs is a beautiful 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Flora von Flower is a beautiful 8-9 month old smaller sized Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Maxford von Maxsain is a gorgeous 18 month old Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Huck von Herr is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dok von Donslund is a striking looking 5 year old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bravo von Bavaria is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bear von Jena is a gorgeous 16-month-old fluffy shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Hermes von Hersom is an amazingly sweet 12 month old Shepherd mixed with maybe lab? Goofy sweetie pie! |
ADOPTED Jackson von Jerichow is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sammy von Salzkotten is a gorgeous 4-5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hunter von Huttingen is a stunning 6 month old bi-color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rocko von Rochau is a beautiful 4 year old red and black long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED JR von Jerrishoe is a very handsome 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nebraska Von Nieh is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gracie von Goslar is the most amazingly sweet 5-6 year old German Shepherd. Lived with cats, good with all size dogs! |
ADOPTED Autumn von Aue is a gorgeous 1-2 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bellz von Bejstrup is a beautiful 5-6 year old black sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sally Von Saltvig is a beautiful 12 month old Collie mix. |
ADOPTED Mabel von Lovskal is the cutest 12 month old little mix of possibly Boxer and some other adorable breeds. |
ADOPTED Heidi von Findlerhof is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Avery von Aurich is a gorgeous 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gia von Gladenbach is a stunning 4 year old German Shepherd. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Adele von Adelsdorf is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Grizzly von grimmen is a wonderful 2 year old long haired German Shepherd. Lived with cats! Good with bunnies! |
ADOPTED Major von Maital is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Franz von Findlerhof is a gorgeous XLarge 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cisco von Cedeln is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd with maybe a touch of Husky or Malamute. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Rico von Richtenberg is a beautiful 3-4 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS OK for out of state. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Nina von Faith is a stunning 7 month old White German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Freida von Freisen is a delightful 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sonia von Schwelm is a delightfully sweet 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Verona von Versmold is an incredibly sweet 6-7 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Emmie von Emerson is an adorable 12 month old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Margie von Mantel is a beautiful 12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nyra von Niemegk is a stunning 5 year old long haired German Shepherd. NO CATS VIDEO |
ADOPTED Tucker aka Marz von Teiler is a delightful, happy and friendly 3 year old Husky mix fluff ball. |
ADOPTED Wolfgang von Machern is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Charlie von Chursdor is a stunning 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dominic von Dombuhl is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gunther von Gunzburg is a beautiful 3 year old, smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Floyd von Florstadt is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Elliot von Ellweiler is a beautiful 6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sir von Hoover is the most adorable 1-2 year old little Chihuahua mixed with something fluffy. |
ADOPTED Lulu Von Lulsfeld is a beautiful 6-7 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Truman von Trulben is a very handsome and sweet 2 year old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. NO CATS MAJOR LOVE BUGGIE !!!!! |
ADOPTED Lucy von Ludorf is a wonderful 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Remy von Reto is a beautiful and shy 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Greta von Gresser is a beautiful 10-11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bonnie von Boock is a wonderful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Phoebe von Pfofeld is a beautiful 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bristol von Berlin is a beautiful 12-14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cookie von Clein is the cutest, smaller sized 10 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Yuka von Rothenburg is a stunning 5 year old Shepherd/Husky mix. (female) |
ADOPTED Ross von Rossau is an adorable 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Ares von Arft is a gorgeous 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Benjamin von Berkley is a stunning 18 month old coated German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Drew von Dorf is an amazingly sweet 8-9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nelson von Nellingen is the sweetest 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Vinnie von Vennington is an adorable 8 week old shepherd MIX puppy. |
ADOPTED Joyce von Jorl is a stunning 3-4 year old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Harley von Harsewinkel is a gorgeous 14 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Hetty von Holzbaum is the sweetest 16 month old Shepherd mixed with maybe some Boxer. Tested well with cats! |
ADOPTED Kiku vonb Kirchbarkau is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Peyton von Peitz is a gorgeous 2-3 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Durango von Durah is a stunning 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nalu von Nurnberg is a very handsome 5-6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Maxim Von Maxdorf is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Oscar Von Osterby is a delightful 14 month old larger sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bailey von Bichel is a stunning 2 year old black and red German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Moritz von Murtz is a delightful 11-12 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Irie von Ingeleben is the SWEETEST 2 year old Belgian Malinois (mix?) you will meet. NO CATS! |
ADOPTED Lara von Laar is a stunning 3-4 year old black and red German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Virginia von Viersen is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Daisy von Dessau is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Tori von Tonnig is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sirus von Schonthal is a 3-month old Dachshund mixed with possibly Maltese. (our best guess) |
ADOPTED Harry von Henderson is a very handsome 2-3 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Rocky von Rottweil is a very sweet 10-11 month old smaller sized mix of Heinz 57 cuteness. |
ADOPTED Bowie von Wuste is a stunning 10 month old Shepherd/Retriever mix. (best guess) NO CATS FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Odie von Odderade is a delightful 12 month old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cash von Calbe is an adorable 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Horst von Himmel is a delightful 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bo von Jangles is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Alphonse von Altfeld is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dizzy von Divitz is a delightful 4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Taffy von Bon Bon is the most delightful 5 month old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Demmie von Damme is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Hudson von Husby is a wonderful 12-14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED MacArthur Von Malente is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hans von Handenfeld is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Mateo von Marburg is a wonderful 4 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Buster von Buren is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zig von Lollar is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd/Husky mix. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Athena von Agape is a delightful 14 week old German Shepherd/Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Rayna von Rauda is a stunning 3-4 year old white German Shepherd with maybe a touch of Husky. |
ADOPTED Sandy von Sassnitz is a delightful 2 year old German Shepherd. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Lacey von Lachern is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Buffy von Buchloe is a stunning 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Juno von Joli is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mila von Marl is a beautiful 5 year old German Shepherd. Tested well with cats. |
ADOPTED Diva von Vierling is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chance Von Jungling is a wonderful 3-4 year old Lab mix on the smaller side. Freckle face! Tested well with cats! |
ADOPTED Rufus von Ruthen is an amazingly sweet 12-14 month old German Shepherd. Major tail wagger! NO CATS |
ADOPTED Jake von Jarmen is a gorgeous 3-4 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Annika von Allgau is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hawley von Herzog is a beautiful 6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jem von Jennifer is a stunning 19 month old German Shepherd/Husky mix. (female) |
ADOPTED Ursa von Urschmitt is an adorable 8-9 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Fletcher von Felix is a very handsome 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Denver von Dienstag is a gorgeous 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dante von Donnerstag is a delightful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jasper von Jennifer is a stunning 19 month old German Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Thomas von Theobold is a delightful 12 month old smaller sized Husky mix. Love muffin alert!!! |
ADOPTED Zeus von Zeven is a delightful 6-7 month old Shepherd/Lab mix puppy. (Our best guess) Great with kids! |
ADOPTED Jenkins von Jever is a very handsome 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. Tested well with cats, LOVES other dogs!! |
ADOPTED Brody von Brilon is a beautiful 2 year old Shepherd/Chow mix. |
ADOPTED River Von Ringelai is an adorable 11-12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Princess Von Penig is a beautiful 3-4 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Lila Von Lennestadt is a beautiful 4 year old German Shepherd. Tested well with cats |
ADOPTED Radar von Radibar is an adorable 2 year old Shepherd mixed with something fluffy. |
ADOPTED Paz von Plau is a stunning 1-2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Mr Lyon von Mainz is a stunning 2 year old black and red long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Charlie von Cuxhaven is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Black Jack von Blaustein is a very handsome 4 year old German Shepherd. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Arches von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Bryce von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Canyon von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Luma von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Posey von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Reef von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Tonka von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Zion von Madison is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Maisie von Maasen is the most adorable 2 year old Spaniel mix. SOOOO CUTE. |
ADOPTED Grace von Adler is a gorgeous 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
Girl von Stolpsee is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kennedy von Retriever is a delightful 2.5 year old Retiever mix. |
ADOPTED Clover von Retriever is an adorable 2.5 year old Retiever mix. |
ADOPTED Diamond von Dieburg is a gorgeous 11-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jasmine von Aladdin is a gorgeous 8-9 month old bi color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Charlie von Zeven is the cutest 7 month old Shepherd mix puppy. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Will von Truman is a gorgeous 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Buddy von Stolpsee is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Justin von Freiheit is a gorgeous 14 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Nemo von Neuffend is a gorgeous 2-3 year old German Shepherd. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Fiona von Fincken is a stunning 3-4 year old red and black long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chika von Gieben is a gorgeous 4 year old German Shepherd. Lived with cats! |
ADOPTED Sonoma von Samstag is a gorgeous 5-6 year old German Shepherd. Sweetie pie! |
ADOPTED Bella Mariah Von Bopfingen is a wonderful smaller sized 18 month old Shepherd mix. NO CATS Lived with kids! |
ADOPTED Irina von Ingulstad is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Stacy von Stade is a delightful 14 month old German Shepherd mix with a distant Husky relative and a patch of blue in the eye. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Gypsy von Gutzkow is a stunning 3-4 year old black sable German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Luna von Lunen is a stunning 22 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Berkeley von Benden is the sweetest little 7-8 month old Shepherd mix (male). Sweetie patootie!!! |
ADOPTED Stilton von Stimpfach is a stunning 2-3 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mojo von Molln is a stunning 12-14 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Shadow von Hagenow is a gorgeous 14 month old German Shepherd. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Yankee von Zeitz is the sweetest 8-9 year old German Shepherd. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Ghost von Spease is a beautiful 10-11 month old German Shepherd. Tested well with cats! |
ADOPTED Ranger von Rastenberg is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Ragna von Salerno is a stunning black and red 5 year old AKC German Shepherd. Lived with cat and small dog! |
ADOPTED Harper von Himmel is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. OK for out of state. Cat test: VIDEO |
ADOPTED Honey von Homberg is a gorgeous 18 month old Husky. |
ADOPTED Ehre von Eartha is a gorgeous 12-14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nova von Nottuln is a gorgeous 12 month old Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Helga von Helbra is a gorgeous 1-2 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kiara von Kiesby is a gorgeous 12-14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Barron von Bernau is a wonderful 3 year old long haired German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Chuck von Wolsic is a stunning 14 month old German Shepherd mix. No small dogs! |
OTR Zoey Von Zeitz is a wonderful 8-9 month old German Shepherd. |
OTR Roman von Ritter is a stunning 2 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mack von Kraichtal is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dodger von Dobritz is a gorgeous 5-6 year old German Shepherd with the cutest face. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Engel von Elsnig is an adorable 10-11 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Sargent von Schuby is a very handsome 14 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Klaus von Kittlitz is a very handsome 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sequoia von Hariton is a beautiful 1-2 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Paquita Von Prem is a stunning 5 year old German Shepherd with some Nordic breed mixed in. |
ADOPTED Cheyenne von Chieming is a delightful 4 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Piper von Perahta is an enchanting little 6-7 month old Shepherd mix. SOOO CUTE! |
ADOPTED Harmony von Hemau is the cutest 11-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Clementine von Calau is a stunning 16 month old German Shepherd. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Lucy von Lollar is a gorgeous 4 year old German Shepherd. Tested well with cats! VIDEO |
ADOPTED Sitka von Sinsheim is a stunning 1-2 year old Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Alice von Alkersum is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Danae von Dannau is an adorable 6 month old German Shepherd pup. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Dolly von Dollern is an adorable 7-8 month old black sable Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Destiny von Detmold is a wonderful 2 year old Shepherd/Border Collie mix - our best guess. |
ADOPTED Demi von Demmin is a delightful and goofy 10-12 month old Aussie/Heinz 57 mix male! OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Jaxon von Jager is a stunning 14 month old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Brutus von Bruck is a gorgeous 9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Pepsi von Perahta is an adorable, smaller sized 6-7 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Arnold von Amberg is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Prince von Preist is a delightfiul 14 month old German Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Zorro von Zurich is a stunning 2 year old smaller sized Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Miles von Miesbach is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Skye von Syke is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd. No small dogs! |
ADOPTED Blue von Lollar is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd/Husky mix. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Beau von Beckum is the sweetest 2-3 year old German Shepherd. LOVE! |
ADOPTED Apache von Apfeldorf is a gorgeous 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Johann von Joldelund is a gorgeous 3 month old long haired German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Evie von Evessen is a beautiful 12-13 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Nathaly von Nauen is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Fanta von Fritzlar is a beautiful 4-5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kema von Kemberg is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. OK for out of state. |
ADOPTED Steeler von Steffen is a regal 4 year old male German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Paco von Pahl is the cutest 8 month old Shepherd mixed with a smaller breed or two. |
ADOPTED Romeo von Romerberg is a gorgeous 3-4 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cody von Colpin is a beautiful, larger sized 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dublin von Duren is a charming 1-2 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Drake von Drebkau is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lass von Laatzen is a stunning 1-2 year old fluff of cuteness. |
ADOPTED Heilala Von Heinade is a stunning 3 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Biscuit von Benningen is an adorable 6 month old Shepherd mix. Sweetie pie!!! |
ADOPTED Willow von Wien is a wonderful 5-6 year old Shepherd mix lady. |
ADOPTED Luna Noir von Luneburg is a beautiful 7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Parker von Pattersen is a picture perfect 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Aksel von Anklam is a wonderful 6-7 year old German Shepherd. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Jelly Bean von Joli is an adorable little 13 week old Shepherd mix (mixed with a small breed) puppy. No cats or small dogs! |
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Copyright © 2004-07 Westside German Shepherd
Rescue. All rights reserved.
Updated 12/31/17